Member benefits


Top-notch local journalism

Care about education? Politics and policy? Arts and culture? Food and drink? We’ve got the only full-time journalists covering each of those areas for you, every day and through the day. Plus the best coverage of business news, wine in the county and aging in Santa Cruz County. Your membership supports all this work.


Supporting local non-profits

Our Civic Partner program represents just one part of our commitment to better the lives for all who live in Santa Cruz County. We’ve donated more than $20,000 since Lookout began by giving 10% of your membership cost to the nonprofit of your choice. Sign up and 10% of your membership will go to United Way of Santa Cruz County, Reggie Stephens Foundation, Your Future is our Business, or the Volunteer Center of Santa Cruz County.


Insider events

We love our members and invite you to events of the season, from Wallace Baine’s Trivia Nights to unique partnered events with local businesses and non-profits. Plus we have a few more perks to surprise you with in the year ahead.


Support of student programs

Lookout’s unique student program allows 42,000 high school and college students to get real local news, through your generous support. We’re building civic awareness and democracy one student at a time. And our own local internship program creates a pipeline for the future.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does it mean to be a Lookout Santa Cruz Member?

Being a Lookout Member means you have paid to get full access to our site and to support our work and mission. Plus, members receive additional, special benefits such as direct access to our newsroom, insider access to special events and experiences, Lookout merchandise, and more.

Can I share my Lookout membership?

You are welcome to share your membership within your household. You can do this by simply sharing the email address associated with your membership and your Lookout sign-in password. Since Lookout Santa Cruz is largely paid for by reader membership, we ask you not to share more widely.

Do you have a student discount?

No, even better! Lookout memberships are FREE for UCSC, Cabrillo, local high school students and local high school educators. Visit to sign up and gain access.

Do you offer bulk membership discounts for businesses and organizations?

We do. Whether you’re looking to purchase memberships for your employees, or offer them special discounted memberships, Lookout has flexible plans to meet your needs. Business memberships begin at 3 individuals or more, and can be tailored per company or organization. Contact to get in touch.

Is there a Lookout app I can use?

Not at this point. However, there’s an easy way to get to us on your phone. You can add our colorful logo to your home screen, making your own app-like icon for quick tapping.

More questions?

Reach out to Brittany Ramirez at