Election 2022: Santa Cruz County

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To the editor:

How can I as a Latina believe that Shebreh Kalantari–Johnson as a Santa Cruz County Supervisor will represent me in the 3rd District?

On April 19, 2022, at the city council meeting, Shebreh Kalantari-Johnson motioned to adopt a city council district map that, when compared to another viable map, reduced by 31% the number of registered Latino voters in the district that now includes Beach Flats, downtown Santa Cruz and the upper Westside. Her reason was to not split up Eastside businesses.

She also stated at the meeting that it was illegal to build a map around one race or ethnicity. But Doug Johnson, the expert hired to create the maps, said race could be considered one of the factors.

At a later city council meeting, he said all the maps met the legal requirements, but there were differences of opinion, which best meets them.

Shebreh Kalantari–Johnson said that her choice of map “… had the most balanced approach to our community and keeps communities of interest like Seabright intact.”

I disagree with her actions.

Vivian Vargas
Santa Cruz