Are you on the lookout for a new career path in Santa Cruz County?

Look no further! We’ve curated a list of the top 10 Santa Cruz County job opportunities recently posted to our job board, spanning various industries and roles.

Whether you’re a recent graduate, seasoned professional, or someone seeking a fresh start, Santa Cruz has something to offer for everyone.

  1. Community Distribution Coordinator at Second Harvest Food Bank
  2. Housing Programs Director at Housing Authority of the County of Santa Cruz
  3. Criminal Justice and Investigative Correspondent at Lookout Santa Cruz
  4. Call Center Specialist at Bay Federal Credit Union
  5. Utility Service Technician at Scotts Valley Water District
  6. Summer Housing Coordinator at UC Santa Cruz
  7. Health Center Manager at The County of Santa Cruz
  8. Digital Press Key Operator at Community Printers
  9. Forensic Services Supervisor at The County of Santa Cruz
  10. Substitute Residential Community Service Partner at UC Santa Cruz

Ready to take the next step in your career? Apply for these exciting job opportunities in Santa Cruz County today and pave the way for your professional growth. Be sure to check out the full list of job openings here. Don’t miss the chance to work in this vibrant community while enjoying the picturesque surroundings.

Your dream job could be just a click away!


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