Lookout Santa Cruz’s intensely local Marketing Partnership program offers businesses and organizations a strong commercial voice and platform to capture readers’ attention. Click the logos below to get to know some of our partners.

Zinnia's Gift Boutique logo
Credit: Zinnia’s Gift Boutique
Santa cruz metro logo
Credit: Santa Cruz Metro
Ecology Action
Community Bridges logo


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Advertising FAQ

How do Marketing Partners interact with the newsroom?

Everyone is welcome to contact the newsroom with story ideas by emailing news@lookoutlocal.com. However, there is a strong line between our business team and the newsroom. Advertisers have no control over editorial decisions or content.

What are your advertising requirements or disclaimers?

It’s important that ad content accurately reflect the organization or person paying for the ads. All advertisement must be clearly labeled or branded in a way that shows ownership to a business or organization.

Any advertiser running ads about social issues, elections or politics must be clearly labeled and will not run against any election or opinion coverage.

What is promoted content?

Promoted content is paid advertising content written by Lookout Marketing Partners and edited by the Lookout Content Studio.