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At the Regional Transportation Commission meeting on April 18, alternates for County Supervisors Manu Koenig and Bruce McPherson repeated that they and the supervisors they were sitting in for were in support of moving ahead with progress on the train being proposed for the RTC-owned corridor through Santa Cruz County. 

Then, having said that they support all of the staff recommendations to move ahead with the work on trail Segments 10 and 11 in Live Oak and Aptos, they were the only two no votes out of 12 commissioners on approving the staff recommendation (there was one commission absent).

The reason they gave was the lack of support from the other 10 commissioners to add additional study of the so-called interim trail option on the corridor. Support for wasting more money on the study of an interim trail that requires ripping up the train tracks is not supporting the serious study of a train for the corridor.

Martha Macambridge 

Santa Cruz