As we approach the end of the year and gather with our loved ones to celebrate the holidays, let’s take a moment to reflect on the remarkable challenges that this year has brought into the lives of many in Santa Cruz County and the broader Central Coast community. These challenges would have seemed insurmountable were it not for the unwavering support of our compassionate and giving community.

Community Bridges EOY Giving Campaign
Credit: Community Bridges

Community Bridges has remained at the forefront of delivering essential services and critical resources, and providing swift responses during times of crisis, and this has only been possible thanks to your extraordinary generosity and support. As we embark on our 47th year of helping support and uplift local children, mothers, fathers, and older adults, we find ourselves profoundly humbled by your steadfast willingness to help your neighbors in their times of need.

In an era where local government investments are dwindling and are no match for communal need, your support remains the lifeblood that enables Community Bridges to continue serving the 22,000 participants who depend on us for vital services to thrive. Your contributions serve as the cornerstone of our mission and have a profound impact on countless lives that are impacted by our daily work.

Over the past year, our community has once again been tested by the forces of nature. Winter and spring storms wreaked havoc in the Pajaro Valley and San Lorenzo Valley, leading to the flooding of homes and the displacement of thousands of residents. Similar to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and the CZU Fires, the demand for our Family Resource Collective services, including mental health counseling, case management, and advocacy, has soared in the aftermath of these devastating storms.

In just seven months, Community Bridges has helped provide more than $1.7 million in direct assistance to residents affected by these storms, with over $1.2 million allocated to Pajaro alone. We continue to assist dozens of families in their rebuilding efforts, from Boulder Creek in the North to Las Lomas in Monterey County in the South.

  • Community Bridges EOY Giving Campaign
  • Community Bridges EOY Giving Campaign

Remarkably, we achieved all this while continuing to serve thousands of residents in need through our diverse range of programs. Whether it’s nourishing isolated older adults with nutritious meals through Meals on Wheels, enriching the lives of our community’s youngest learners through our Early Education Division preschool services, empowering pregnant and breastfeeding mothers with essential nutrition education and resources through our Women, Infant, and Children program, or ensuring equitable transportation for our elders and people with disabilities through Lift Line, we’ve remained unwavering in our commitment to fulfilling our mission. We are dedicated to delivering vital services, ensuring equitable access to our communal resources, and advocating for health and dignity at every stage of life.

Nonetheless, we are keenly aware that the need for assistance is arguably greater than it has been in recent memory. Recent data from the California Budget & Policy Center reveals that over 60% of households in California with incomes below $35,000 have struggled to cover basic expenses like food, housing, and medical costs in recent months. Even more disheartening, childhood poverty has more than doubled nationwide, just one year after hitting a record low, as indicated by Census data as a direct result of federal tax policy changes.

Community Bridges EOY Giving Campaign
Credit: Community Bridges

The federal and local government aid that supported many families during the COVID-19 pandemic has come to an end, leaving many children, parents, families, and neighbors grappling with escalating inflation, skyrocketing housing costs, and the looming threat of falling into poverty or an even a harder mountain to climb to get out of poverty. In these trying times, Community Bridges’ family of ten programs is working tirelessly to ensure that no one in our local community falls through the cracks. We aim to provide the necessary support for individuals and their families to weather these storms and emerge stronger on the other side.

This holiday season, we invite to you to become part of our mission and the solution to our communal needs. Your donation, regardless of its size, will help us meet the ever-growing needs of our community. It will enable us to continue providing the critical services that so many of our neighbors depend on and allow us to strengthen our organization for the next time our community calls for assistance. Your support will bring stability and hope for a brighter future to those who are enduring unprecedented challenges.

Visit our website at, review our financials to see how we invest your dollars and join us in making a difference in the lives of those who need it most. Together, we can build stronger, more resilient communities, ensuring that no one is left behind. This holiday season, let’s spread the gift of hope, love, and support, making our community a better place for all.

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